Monday 24 September 2012

Chapter three of reset.

Chapter 3.

Alec Kestin paced around the small cell that he now found himself in. The men in white coats had called it a reception pod, but nothing could be further from the truth.  He had lost all track of time since finding himself at the checkpoint.
Has he turned around for the 20th time, his mind drifted back to the choices that had brought him here. Like everyone else he had seen the advertisements for the Second chance organisation on the iris feed. A once in a lifetime opportunity to change your life. At first Alex had his doubts, his first recreation was doubt. Once they had your money, “they would just send me on my way with no come back” he would often say to his friends. But testimonials on the iris feed gave glowing recommendations. Whatever you have done in life, you could be granted a second chance. All it took was a small chemical re-balance to your brain, and whatever “issue” you had, it would disappear.
Alex sat down and stretched his legs, even with all the pacing his legs still felt numb from the blackout he had experienced when the checkpoint opened. Was this who “Jane” had changed her life? Alex brought the memory of the iris feed back into focus and could see Jane as if she were standing there.
“Hi, I’m Jane and I changed my life.” They all began with the same over cheerful intro. “I was having issues at work, my home life was a wreck and I had lost all myself respect.”  Alex forced a smile as he remembered the various images of Jane in her former life, the drunk who had lost a love for life, and only lived for the next drink. Alex placed his head on the wall, remembering the rest of the iris feed, Jane’s face filled the screen, “but one choice, one visit to second chance and look at me now! One small injection and my addiction to drink was gone, and I was like new again.” Jane was then joined by a lovely family, and clearly people from her work, hugging and kissing her as she makes one final announcement, “and few a special once in a lifetime offer, the first 100 people that reply to this feed will get their treatment completely free!”
Alex considered for a moment whether he had done the right thing. Yes he had replied there and then. He could not afford the treatment any other way. But was it supposed to start like this? Why does he his head hurt so much, and his legs feel numb? His eyes began to close, to try to soften the pain in his head, when a loud buzzer sliced through the silence.
“Alex Kestin, your food will be with you shortly, you will have 5 minutes to consume it, thank you for choosing Second Chance.” The rather too cheerful voice announced, and as the voice stopped a section of the wall slide open to reveal one cup of blue liquid, and two tablets.
“ermm, sorry, but you said it was food, all I can see are two tablets.” Alex shouted at the ceiling, not really sure why he was shouting at the ceiling, but he sensed that was where the voice had come from.
“Alex, I can confirm that the two tablets have all of the goodness you require at this present moment in time. And thank you for choosing Second Chance” the cheerful voice replied with not a touch of irony.
Alex stood up and craned  his head toward the ceiling, where he was sure he could see a small speaker. “And how do you know what my body needs?” he replied, getting more frustrated by the second.
“At Second chance, it is our purpose to scan and look after our customers. You now have 3 minutes and 34 seconds remaining. Thank you for choosing Second Chance.” The cheerful voice replied once more.
Alex moved slowly towards the cup and tablets, unsure whether to take the tablets or not. Surely they must be good for him, after all, if he is harmed, there is no way Second Chance can get their money, he thought. While he considered his next move, his fingers reached out and gentle picked up the tablets. “Oh Well, I guess you know best Ms Voice” he said looking towards the ceiling as he pouring the cup of blue liquid into his mouth he swallowed the tablets.
“Oh, we do indeed Mr Kestin. It has been nice speaking to you. Thank you for choosing Second Chance.”
He sat down, waiting for the affects of the tablets to kick in, while pondering what on earth was going on. “I came here it get treated, but I have not seen anyone yet. And how do you know what my body needs if I have not seen a doctor yet?” He once more looked at the ceiling, “Hello, Lady, hello. Can you answer me?”  He tried to move, but realised that he could no longer move his legs, panic started to set in, “Hello help, help, I can’t move my legs.”, Alex shouted and started to wave his arms about madly, but then suddenly his left arm crashed to his side, he was unable to move it. His voice grew louder and more urgent, as he cried out, “Help, please help, I can’t move my arm or legs, WHAT IS HAPPENING! WHAT HAVE YOU DONE TO ME......” his right hand fell to his side, and just has he began to lose consciousness, he was dimly aware of a voice gently whispering in his ear,
“We do what need to do Mr Kestin, we do what is necessary for the organisation.....” 

Tuesday 18 September 2012

Reset - Chapter 2

Chapter 2.

Dr Andrew Kirkwood leaned back against his chair, contemplating his call with Jayne Hover. He didn’t like involving outsiders in matters relating to the reset programme, but the problem of Alec Kestin required specialised help.
Alec Kestin was a problem and he needed to be cleansed, thought Andrew, however every time he thought of Alec, it gave Andrew a cold chill down his spine. 
“This has never happened in all the resets we have done before....” Andrew muttered under his breath. “He just can’t be reset, and thats impossible, it just has to be....” his eyes drifted to the window and the un-expecting world outside, “ everyone has to be reset, if the organisation is to achieve its goal....”  He looked outside. Everyone going about their business, talking to people, making choices everyday. How this will change once the reset programme goes viral. And the best thing about the plan, Andrew thought to himself, was that people will not even realise that they are being controlled, minute by minute, second by second.  And once that had been achieved the organisation can advance the Human race to achieve the ultimate goal.
Andrew’s mind was suddenly brought back to the present when his E.A.R implant began to vibrate.  He saw the callers I.D.  – The Head of the organisation, know only as 5. Andrew accepted the call with a certain amount of trepidation, had 5 somehow found out about  Alec Kestin?
“Dr Kirkwood, can you explain to me why you have just made a call to Jayne Hover? What was the purpose of this call?” 5 demanded in her icy cold tone.
“err... Yes, 5...errr.....I did make that call. We were......we were..... looking at refining the reset procure and Miss Hover has the necessary skills to achieve this....”
There was a long pause, which to Andrew felt like minutes; although in reality it was no more than 10 seconds. Sweat began to drip down Andrew’s forehead, as his office suddenly felt several degrees warmer, no doubt a consequence of the delay in 5’s reply. Why was 5 taking so long to reply? Had she seen through my lies, Andrew considered, in those fleeting seconds.
“Dr Kirkwood, I shall look forward to my next call.” 5 finally replied in an unusually friendly tone, before disconnecting the call before Andrew could reply.  Rather had feel relieved, her tone made Andrew even more nervous. She had to know about Alex, and the issue with his reset. Andrew’s mind was racing as various consequences of failure flashed across his mind.  He had seen at firsthand how the organisation dealt with people who did not achieve their goals.  If they were kind, you would be disposed of quickly, without evening knowing that you had crossed the organisation. There had been many traffic accidents that onlookers thought were incredibly unlucky and a one in a million chance of happening. Behind the accidents thought, had been the hand of the organisation   orchestrating the events. But if you were unlucky, the organisation made sure that you knew you had done a disservice to their goal. One event in particular was etched in Andews’s memory forever.....
 Sarah had been working for the organisation since graduating that had been 10 years ago. She had been recruited straight into the augmented reality division and had been responsible for a major advance that had made the reset programme not just a dream but a reality.  To her  work colleagues she was professional and every fibre of her body was dedicated to the organisation’s goal. But that was before she made her first and sadly her last error...
“Hello Andrew, how are you today?” Sarah asked in her normal cheerful tone. She loved life, and loved her work. The organisation gave her the opportunity to express herself in her research field, and push back the barriers to learning.
“I am fine Sarah, how is your new project coming on?” Andrew replied, generally interested in her work. He admired Sarah, and what she believed in. Sadly, he knew that she did not fully understand how her research was being used by the organisation.  
“Very well thank you. The brain implants are really working. The children are able to now see and hear for the first time in their lives! You should see their faces, as images start to form in their thoughts, its just amazing!” Sarah quickly replied full of excitement.
“Thats really good to hear Sarah. Have you filed a report yet?” Andrew inquired, sharing Sarah’s enthusiasm.
“Arrh, no yet not.” Sarah replied anxiously. “ I am just waiting for the results from a student on their first day at school.”
“At School!” Andrew’s tone suddenly become very serious. “ What do you mean school?” he pressed.
“Well...I took the liberty of implanting one of the children, and then sent him home to see how it worked in the real world, rather than the lab. After all, the school is where it will be used eventually. All the ethical issues have been dealt with.” She replied more confident this time.
“Sarah, our research never leaves the building, unless we are told to do so. Who gave you permission?” Andrew questioned her, searching, no hoping for a suitable answer.
“Sorry, Andrew. I took it on myself to sign the papers. As head of research, it won’t be an issue will it?” Sarah’s eyes fixed into Andrew’s, searching for reassurance that she had not had anything too wrong. 
“Sarah.....” Andrew chose his words carefully. He knew what would happen later today, but did not want Sarah’s last day to be one full of fear. More softly now, he tried to give Sarah the reassurance she wanted. “I’m sure its not an issue I’ll make a phone call and clear it all up. Have you spoken to your daughter lately? What is she – 6 now?”
Sarah’s mood changed once again, as she began to think of her daughter. It had been 2 months since she last saw her. The long shift patterns at the organisation meant she had to leave home, but was due to return tomorrow for her daughter’s 6 birthday. “No no yet. She is 6 tomorrow.” Sarah said brightly.
Andrew’s heart grew heavier. I very much doubted that Sarah would she her daughter again, so he made a decision. “Sarah, look, you have made a fantastic breakthrough. Why not take the afternoon off. Go and pick up your daughter and give her an early birthday present.”
“Really? Are you sure? What about the paperwork?”
“Go ahead. It will all be here tomorrow. Enjoy the break.” And with that, Andrew turned and left for his office and the phone call that he was dreading, leaving Sarah to her work.
Later that day, after picking her daughter from school, Sarah took a moment to reflect on what a lucky day she had just had. Andrew had made the call, and had cleared up her mistake with the bosses. She had been given an early finish, and the look on Lauren’s face when she picked her up from school just melted her heart. God she loved being a mum! Lauren was in the living playing her new doll that Sarah had brought her, just as Andrew suggested, an early birthday present. She had finished wrapping up the rest and they were in a pile in her bedroom, ready for tomorrow.
The door bell rang. Unusual, thought Sarah. We are not expecting anyone.  She walked to the front door and opened it, to be greeted by several official looking men. “Hello can I help you?” Sarah asked.
One of the men replied in a gravelly voice “We have been sent by the organisation Ms Greet. We are here to reallocate her daughter. Please step aside.”
“Sorry...What? Reallocate my daughter!!” Sarah attempted to shut the door, but the men forced their way in. “What are you doing. I’ll call the police, you can’t do this!! LAUREN, RUN TO YOUR ROOM AND LOCK THE DOOR” Sarah now tried to push herself past the men, but one of the men grabbed her and pinned her on the floor.
“Take a long hard look at your daughter Ms Greet. It will be the last thing you’re ever see” The man pinning her down whispered into her eye, as she struggled to free herself.
Two men brought Sarah’s daughter, Lauren, out from her room. Lauren’s eyes were wide with fear, her hands still clutching her new doll that Sarah had given her not 20 minutes ago.  “Say goodbye to your mum Lauren.” One of the men said, as they dragged her screaming past Sarah. Tears streaming uncontrollably down her face. Gripped with fear, she could not speak, but managed to mouth, “I love you Mummy” to Sarah as she was taken to the waiting car outside.
Sarah felt cold, her world was being ripped apart, but she was determined to save her daughter. She let her body go limp. She needed to save her energy, for now was time to learn where they were taking Lauren.
“Ms Greet. The Organisation does not approve of you taking your research and using it without authority. The Organisation takes this matter very seriously. Our goal has to be achieved and no one will stop us.  Your penalty for failure ...... Your daughter will never remember who you are.  And day by day, your memories of her will fade, until nothing remains....” As he finished, the man injected Sarah in the neck and she began to slip into a living nightmare.... 

Reset - Chapter 1.


Chapter One.

Emptiness. Darkness.  Loneliness...
Alec could not could shake those feelings as he walked down the tunnel towards the checkpoint. For some time now, there had been something missing in his life, a void that could not be filled. He had tried, oh he had tried. First it was the fast cars, driven on a knife edge, his life moments from ending, with only his reactions, and the grip of his white knuckled hands all that was standing in the way of eternal dark.  But still the darkness was here...
 Once the cars no longer satisfied him, he turned to drink. It began with the odd drink after work, then at lunchtime, then at breakfast. Soon he was thinking what to have with his drink rather than what to drink with his food. It had got so bad, Alec reflected that he would wake up not remembering who he was, where he was, or why he was lying half naked in a hotel corridor, sweat dripping down his face. But still the emptiness was there...
Women soon followed the drink Alec remembered. So many women, but yet not one he could remember. To him, they had been just pieces in a large game, a game where to lose was loneliness, and to win meant happiness. Why did it not work? Alec played back over and over again the many relationships he had had, in search of that winning prize. Relationships? He chuckled to himself, hardly a relationship if you don’t take an interest in them as real people. All he had been interesting in was what they could give him, not what they needed from him.  All his relationships ended the same, they left, Alec wanting more but not being able to give, and all that was left was loneliness..
As he contemplated his life up to this moment the end of the tunnel began to appear through the pitch black air.  The faint outlines of a door started to form, slowly at first, but with every step the door became more and more solid, more and more believable. The pal ms of Alec’s hand began to sweat, as it dawned on him what opening that door meant to him.
The checkpoint approached and was now within touching distance. His right hand moved towards the palm pad, taking, what felt to Alec, like an eternity. His palm met the cold plastic surface of the palm pad and there was a momentary pause. Lights started to flash and a warm sensation began to flow through Alec’s hand as a sensor started to scan Alec’s palm.
“Who are you?” a metallic voice from within the walls questioned.
“err, Alec, Alec Kestin.” A nervous Alec replied. Was this standard procedure he thought to himself.
A minute of silence deafened the air around Alec, as he waited for a second response. He could feel his heart begin to beat, faster and faster, pain started to erupt across his chest, the pain was unbearable,
“Oh my God” Alec cried out as the pain started to become excruciating, “I’m....”  but before Alec could utter another word, the pain abruptly stopped and the voice inside the wall announced,
“Status has been confirmed. Medical attention has been issued. Please stand by for resetting.”
Relief was overtaken by wonder, how had that happened? What had just happened? But before Alec could contemplate this any further, a new fear began to grip Alec. That word, resetting, had a chilling menace. Thoughts raced through Alec’s mind, how can a Human be reset? That was not why he came here! He wanted a chance mend his life not end it, what was happening!
As Alec’s fears gathered pace, the door in front of him silently dissolved, and his last thought as the white light engulfed him was one of emptiness once more.
Then there was just darkness...

Jayne woke from a deep sleep, as the sunlight broke through the crack, where the curtains failed to meet.  “One day, I’ll remember to get Dominic to do that properly” she thought to herself, as she hauled her slim athletic body over to the bathroom. At 37 she was looking good for her age, no signs of grey hairs yet, she thought to herself as she quickly got ready for work.
“Incoming message Miss Hover” the domestic Interface , or “Dominic”  as Jayne affectionately called the Artificial intelligence that controlled the day to day running of her living module announced.
“Thanks Dominic, can you patch it through.” Jayne replied, hurrying to the kitchen to grab a coffee before she started work. A beep rang in her ear, to inform her that the call was now ready to be taken.
“Hello, Jayne Hover. How can I help you?” she mentally said to the caller. Even after a year since she received the E.A.R implant, Jayne was amazed that she could make and receive calls just by thinking of what to say.  To think that some people still use their voice she chuckled to herself!
“Sorry, use their voice, I don’t understand Miss Hover.” The male voice responded.
“Oops  a careless thought, I am sorry.” Jayne quickly replied. “How May I help you?”
“I’m Dr Kirkwood from the Second Chance Centre. We have a customer that has developed a fault, and we need your expertise.”
“Right, what seems to be the problem and I shall see if I can help you.” Jayne replied. More than a little curious, as the Second Chance Centre was a very well known, but secretive company.
“I can transfer the information as a Cortex file, if you can access that?” inquired Dr Kirkwood. Another new technology to recently change the way people interacted with computers, a Cortex file was a computer file that was transferred directly to the visual cortex of the brain via an implant. The user then “sees” the document by thinking of a pass key, shared by the other user, similar to the old Bluetooth technology of the last century.
“Thats fine Dr Kirkwood. And the pass key please.”
“Alec Kestin 22-10-2150. And please can I remind you  Miss Hover that this is highly confidential material.” Dr Kirkwood informed her with a steel determination  in his thoughts.
“Of course, Dr Kirkwood. I shall review the case and then contact you. Goodbye.” Jayne disconnected the call, and sat back. What was Alec Kestin’s issue that needed her particular skills?

Monday 17 September 2012

A short story... based on the fable - "The Bridge"

The Bridge
James’s soul had just been ripped apart. His beloved Isabel shot, in front of him, and for what? Crossing a bridge to be with the one she loved.
There were always consequences in life. James knew that.  The path you choose to follow can change your life forever, but sometimes the path to take is laid out for you. James knew that, but it did not provide comfort or bring Isabel back.
There was always going to be consequences to the Cotton States declaring their secession from the United States.  James knew that too, but Isabel was still lost forever.
James looked down at his wife’s limp body. He could feel his soul, once a bright light fuelled by Isabel’s love was now like a flame slowly being starved of oxygen, flickering weaker and weaker as every moment passed. Darker and darker as Isabel became colder and colder.
James knew that by living in South Carolina, there would be personal consequences to Abraham Lincoln’s election to President. In James’s eyes Lincoln was right to seek to abolish slavery. Why should one white man have the power of life or death over a Black man. It was insane. He struggled everyday when having to punish Black men for not working hard enough, even though they were doing more than any white man ever would. His wife Isabel shared his passion for freedom and free speech, a passion that brought them together.
James’s mind drifted back to a happier time, when he first meet Isabel.  There was an instant chemistry between them, James recalled. Working on Isabel’s fathers’ cotton plantation, James was instantly attracted to Isabel’s long flowing hair and brilliant blue eyes but it was more than that. There was something deeper that drew them closer, a bond that both felt, and neither could resist.  The need to be fair and kind to their fellow Man, a sense that everyone was equal, no matter what the colour of their skin was.
Happy married life followed, James and Isabel were seen as the perfect couple. Soul mates, the only thing missing were children; God had not seen it fit to bless them with such gifts, but still they wanted for nothing. They had each other, what more could they want. They were an unbreakable bond.
Then the day came that changed their lives forever. The day of enlistment.  James’s mind drifted back to that fateful day. He remembered with anger being enlisted to the army. He did not share their political views, but was told the simple truth. Fight for your State, or you and your family burn. There was no choice.
Isabel and James sat down and discussed their future. It was clear that he may not return, but with no income, how would Isabel cope? What could they do to remain together?
Isabel and James turned to James’s cousin William. Sharing the same views as them, but invalid, he would not be enlisted.  William agreed to support Isabel while James was away, protecting her as a brother would, while to the outside world they would be seen as lovers, to hide the true beliefs that all three held so strongly.
James’ mind was dragged back to the present. The day had started so well. He had managed to send word to William that he was heading back home, but was on the “wrong side” of the Bridge. During the war, the town had been divided as both armies made claim to the land. Now “The Bridge” was all that stood between the two warring armies. 
James had defected and was now free on the republic  State.  The side of freedom and justice. The plan was for Isabel to leave under the cover of darkness and cross the bridge. However Solders had barred her way, and she could not cross by boat, as William did not have the $100 she needed, having spent the last of his money helping support his Family flee earlier in the war.
James recalled how he could see Isabel talking passionately with the solder on the bridge, urging him to let her pass. The bond between James and Isabel was pulling them together once more.
Then behind Isabel, James could see the body of William being carried by a mob, chanting Isabel’s name, calling her a liar and seeking her blood.  James moved onto the bridge, but was too far to protect Isabel, each step he took brought him closer to her, but time was running out.
James weeps has he remembers the frightened Isabel, turn and look for him. Weeps turn to uncontrollable sobs as James recalls the calm descend on Isabel’s face as she pushed the Solider and ran towards him. Just as they touch once more, one fleeting touch as their fingers meet, Isabel straightened with confusion. Looking at James she falls to the ground, looking one final time at him. That look etched forever in James’s memory, Isabel one final time telling him she loved him.
As James holds Isabel one final time, he hears the shouts and the load gun shot. Without his love, he feels nothing but emptiness, and does not even feel the pain slowly spreading through his body.  Slowly he slides next to Isabel.
His head meets Isabel’s, and with his last breath, whispers into her ear. As his lips meet hers for the final time, James feels at one. In the distance light, Isabel is waiting for him.

Thursday 21 April 2011

A lovely sunny afternoon out.

A lovely afternoon with friends in Lake Meadows, as Go Bonkers arrived  - our children played on the inflatables all afternoon while we chatted away.

I also took time to get the kids to try a few #missionexplore  missions, which we shall write up later. I also took the time to develop my watercolour skills, still very much a beginner  - should really get some lessons at some point, but I enjoy the process of looking at nature and drawing what I see. The drawing below is a watercolour using watercolour pencils.

Tuesday 19 April 2011


Went for my annual eye check up at the hospital today to monitor my chance of getting glaucoma. It all started back in 2006 when I had a regular eye test at the high street and they detected high pressure inside the eye. A referral was made to the  hospital just in case.

The just in case turned out to by PDS  - Pigment Dispersion Syndrome  - The flakes of the coloured part of the eye, are detaching from the back of the iris and float freely in the liquid in the eye.

It seemed that the flakes had made their way to the drainage channel in the eye causing the pressure in the eye damaging the optic nerve. This can lead to Pigmentary Glaucoma. Read here for more details

I had no damage at that point, and was soon undergoing lazer treatment, to make 4 holes in each eye, to reduce the pressure. Since then I have yearly check-ups to detect changes. I have a lovely photo of my eyes, taken back in 2008 - showing the optic nerve.

Thankfully my eyes have not got any worse at the moment, and everything is stable - I just need to wear glasses for being short sighted. 

Monday 18 April 2011

A new beginning brings new ideas.

Well, after some time writing a school blog for my students, I have decided to write a more personal one, based on my thoughts  about the whole around me.

So, what has been happening in my world recently?

I went the the GA conference #gaconf11 and was inspired by the various workshops, lectures and conversations I had while I was there.

I finally got round to buying the mission explore series of books, and since then, my 7 year old has not put them down, and wants to take it into her class to show her teacher. We are planning on doing a few of the missions this week.

I finally got around to finishing the meander video that was inspired by David Rogers dream teacher video. I really enjoyed putting the video together, and think that with a little more practice and a tripod, they will get a little more polished. Hopefully it will help students revise.